Quickly accessible in the heart of Basel
Nestled between the Basel Exhibition Center and the Old Town, our company premises cover more than 5,250m2. The company premises are located at Klingentalstrasse 77 in Basel and are easily accessible via two freeway feeder roads.
Synergies can be exploited in the two competence centers of car bodywork and vehicle construction, and work processes can be carried out in a structured manner thanks to the perfect division of space. This enables us to deliver top performance every day for your benefit.
Your contact for car body and vehicle construction
We, your VSCI-Eurogarant- specialized company, will advise you competently on all questions concerning your car. We offer a wide range in car body and vehicle construction. We are your contact when it comes to turning your individual needs into reality. Whether accident repairs, maintenance work, painting, tinsmith work or superstructures and extensions, benefit from the many years of experience of our traditional company.
Guaranteed quality is our tradition
As a VSCI-Eurogarant specialist company, we are subject to the strictest requirements, which are regularly checked by a recognized neutral inspection body. This gives you the guarantee that our services comply with the manufacturer’s specifications and the latest state of the art. That is why our employees also regularly attend training courses and trade fairs to familiarize themselves with the latest developments.
As one of the largest car body and vehicle construction companies in Northwestern Switzerland, we strive to set new standards for first-class quality work around the vehicle every day. Our knowledge from over 100 years of car body and vehicle construction is the basis for providing quality work and products for your benefit.
Innovation near you
We are the only vehicle manufacturer in the city of Basel. Take advantage of our central location and excellent transport links to get your vehicle back up and running quickly to meet your needs.
Not only are the working conditions progressive at Wenger Carrosserie/Fahrzeugbau, but also the way each employee deals with environmental protection. On the one hand, care is taken to use environmentally friendly products and production processes in every work process, and on the other hand, electricity and water consumption is reduced to the essentials.
The heat supply for the car paint shop as well as the entire site heating was gradually connected to the environmentally friendly district heating of the IWB in 2000. All gates and windows on the company premises are insulated and thus protect against unnecessary heat loss. In addition, all roofs and part of the exterior facade have been insulated as a further measure in recent years.
All waste is recycled properly.
From the beginning, Wenger Carrosserie/Fahrzeugbau has been part of the environmental protection solution of the car and two-wheeler trade. This is an industry solution for environmental protection of the associations AGVS and carrosserie suisse, which was introduced in 2000. Ruedi Wenger contributed greatly to this as the then president of the VSCI section Northwestern Switzerland (today: carrosserie suisse Northwestern Switzerland).
The basis for this is the Environmental Protection Manual, which covers the following areas:
- Organization, tasks and responsibilities
- Waste water and liquids hazardous to water
- Waste disposal
- Air pollution control
- Noise
- Contaminated sites
- Handling hazardous chemicals
- Transport of dangerous goods
- Refrigerant
- Storage of hazardous substances and preparations